Young parents

What are the best ways to communicate about health with young parents?

How do young parents communicate among themselves on issues of importance?


My dissertation research was part of the British Columbia Young Parent Study (2013-2018), led by PI Jean Shoveller.

This multidisciplinary study followed young parents in BC in two regions to better understand the role of social context and information interventions, in the well-being of young parents and their children.

Publications have focused on health information practices of young parents, young parents’ experiences with “Teen Mom” reality shows, health information assessment and triangulation by young parents, social information contexts for young parents’ baby feeding decisions, unmet information needs of young fathers, young mothers’ birth stories, and the methods used in this study, including information world mapping.

The ethics and effectiveness of population health information interventions that target young parents was also examined, and the resulting paper won the Ilona Kickbusch award for best Health Promotion International paper by an early career researche…

The ethics and effectiveness of population health information interventions that target young parents was also examined, and the resulting paper won the Ilona Kickbusch award for best Health Promotion International paper by an early career researcher.

Newer work focusing on young parents and communication involves examination of zines by young parents at the turn of the century, in comparison with contemporary young parent communication and organizing.


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